punkts com :)
+371 29357973
+371 29357973
to capture the right stories at the right time and give my service and talent to the world
īstajā laikā īstie stāsti pie manis atnāk un tā arī vislabāk izdodas dot savu talantu cilvēkiem un kalpot plašāk
For a long time, I've called myself a self-made artist even though I graduated from fine arts school after 4 years of learning basics of different kinds of art, my dad also had done loads of creative work but I still didn't want to put myself in a box and say I am a photographer. I always felt like more of an artist, experiencer, capturer of moments, moods, and emotions.
Now, after getting married myself, raising 2 great kids and learning every day, I would say I am a portrait and event photographer, passionate about candid photography, appreciating life, humor, and all kinds of beauty in the world.

Es dzīvoju Latvijā, runāju latviski, taču strādājot dažādās vidēs, šobrīd lapas sadaļas ir angliski, paldies par sapratni!
Based in Riga, Latvia, and available for travel worldwide
Based in Riga, Latvia, and available for travel worldwide
Dārta Knohenfelde, Strādāju izbraukumā nevis vienā konkrētā adresē, šī rinda ir priekš VID. tiklīdz saņemšu random reģistrācijas numuru, to arī šeit pievienošu, paldies. 12671